Monday, June 11, 2007

final thoughts

well i realise i have one last blog to make up my compulsary twelve so here it is! i have finished all of my exams and final essays and a word that comes to mind is releived! i am relieved for it to be all over! i did enjoy this semester alot and will look back with many fond memories however come exam period and all i know was that stress was a main factor for this two week period. staying up until the early hours of the morning to finish final academic essays for what i thought was the due date which actually turned out to be a day later, and stressing over questions that i may or may not know the answer to for the exam the following day or do know the answer but is a matter of whether i actually remeber it when the time comes. through all of this there were still the task and duties of the everyday life such as work and family commitments which did not help the stress facto but in the end what i am really concerned about are my results and whether it was all worth it. i hope it was and also hope i shall see you all next semester! thanks for a great course and semester! have a great break!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

virtual reality (VR) - NOT A FAN - WEEK 5

just writting a little short post about my opinions on virtual reality. i dislike it...alot. :) no really though it frustrates me to no end as i dont understand how poeple can get soooo wrapped up in something as silly as this. again this is just my opinion so dont be offended but it really gets to me that people are actuaslly spending real money on a fake world. they get their credit cards out and they type in their little number inot their virtual reality account and tada! spenid real money in a fake world. buying fake coffee and fake houses and talking to other fake poeple that are doing the exact same thing. unbelievable. however something good has come out of this lecture as i now realise the importance of real life. also i now know that new comm tech has taught me something as i had NO idea about VR before this course. thanks new comm tech!

new comm tech - constructive critisism! WEEK 13

End of Semester!

so! the end of semester has come and i do admit that i have a few words to say on the lectures, tutes, films and tute tasks. firstly, the over all course was not what i suspected it to be. it was a compulsary subject for my degree so i didnt choose new com tech because i was interested in the actual subject although by the description of the subject in the course outline, i was under the impression that this course would be of great help for my future studies. i thought it would be more about how to use computers in my career, as opposed to the background of the computer and what virtual reality was all about, nevertheless i have learnt some usefull fatcs throughout the duration of the course, just how much i have learnt will be determined in the result of the final exam, and my future. onto the lectures. im just not the sort of person that can sit in a theatre and listen non-stop for two hours about something i have no particular interest in. whilst the content may have been helpful and knowledgable, i myself did not find it that useful as it just went in one ear and out the other. however this is not to say that the course was or is comppletely useless. the movies were...interesting and different to say the least. between la jetee, alphaville, exitenz and primer, i would have to say that i most enjoyed, or rather understod, primer, even though i can not truly say i grasped the full concept of the movie. by the end of it i lost count of the amount of people who had been copied and just how many duplicates of the brown haired guy there was compared to that of the blonde haired guy. the tute task were probably the most informative, as well as the actual tutes themselves especially the revision we did as a class toward the end of the semester. all in all if i were to complete this subjest again, i would, however i would approach it in a completely different way. im sure new comm thech will be of great assistance to my future but for now i am uncertain to how that will be? thanks for a great semester though!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

More Microsoft Documents - Excel.

Now I cant say i am as familiar with Excel as i am with Word, but I have used it once or twice in my schooling life for math documents and some science subjects.However, no matter how many times I use this program I am amazed when I type something in and the answer or formula or watever it may be, just pops up in another box. I mean anything that can save me time by a) actually figuring out what is supposed to be in that box, b) selecting the correct box to put it in, and c) actually typing it in there for me, my friend. Although i know it is a much faster and effecitve way of categorizing and grouping firgures and information, its when tabs are used such as "charts", "data labels" and "Stacked column with a 3D-visual effect", that i get confused. I have not fully understood why these things are neccesary but im sure when I really need them they will come in hand, as I have a rough idea of what they are and how to use them as a result of the tutorial tasks. Other than this, I doubt I would ever have realised that these things exist, much like the fact that I know there are things on my own computer, let alone mobile that I am not aware of. Just the other day my brother, who is four years younger than me, showed me how to transfer pictures from my phone to my PC, which was way beyond me. So I now realise that I have much more to learn than I initially thought.

Microsoft Word!

When opening this weeks tute task i was pleased to see that the first few words were of some meaning to me. Microsoft Word. im pretty sure that anyone who owns a computer has had some experience woth this software and for me it has been both positive and negative. with the help of microsoft word, i have successfully completed many assignments and essays, however, this is not to say there were many many many frustrating moments as i have accidently deleted whole entire paragraphs or tried to put words inot columns and moved everything to the far side of the page without knowing how to get it back again. but the most aggravating thing about this program is when u are trying to type some added words into your sentence and it types over the words that are already there and then u have to retype those words which also types over more words that are already there and i end up having to type whole paragraphs again as i cant get my new words to stop eating my old words. not sure if anyone knows what i am talking about but if u do u will understand my annoyance with microsoft word. i have just been informed that this infuriating device is called 'overwrite' and anyone with any hints on how to fix it, feel free to send me a comment. :)

Thursday, May 10, 2007


In today’s society, technology is advancing further and further everyday. A prime example of this is the computer. The computer is any programmable electronic mechanism that can collect, retrieve, and process information. This description has grown significantly over time as the computer has come a long way from the likes of a simple calculator, to a complex and intricate piece of machinery that has the ability to control our existence. However, with this development there are many different opinions on whether this innovation has had a positive or negative affect on our civilization. Throughout this thesis, it will be argued that although the computer and its improvement upon society has had a constructive and optimistic impact, with this has come the declination of interpersonal communication, reliance on such equipment and many other negative traits which inturn has caused a breakdown of our social order.

Firstly produced commercially by IBM in 1950’s, the computer has come from many origins and has numerous competitors within its field. “The development of the modern day computer was the result of advances in technologies and man's need to quantify” (, HREF2). It all started in the 1820’s with Charles Babbage who invented the ‘Difference Engine’ which was designed to calculate and produce mathematical tables (Stockwell, 2007). However, this mechanical production was not completed in his lifetime as a result of a lack of government funding. After Babbage, Alan Turing came onto the scene, who did most of the serious work required for the development of the computer as we know it today. During the Second World War, Turing worked with mathematicians and cryptographers to create and develop the first working computer, The Bombe. This development was exceptionally significant as it was then used to break secret German 'Enigma' codes. From this followed the investigation of programming, neural nets, and the prospects for artificial intelligence (Hirst, M., Harrison, J. 2007, p.198-201). Turing then devised the ultimate test to determine the intelligence of the computer. This involved a judge speaking to both a computer and a person in written form only, and if the evaluator could not tell the difference between the two, it was then adequate to suggest that the computer was somewhat intellectual. This then started an epidemic.

In 1975 Bill Gates started a company, now well known, called Microsoft, and the first PC was released. Apple, another corporation created by two friends, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, joined the race and created the ‘Apple I’ which they then sold for a profit of $USA666.60 (Stockwell, 2007). Since this innovation, Microsoft and IBM have again come into the picture and it has been a constant battle for the latest and greatest technological advances concerning the computer. It was in 1991 that the World Wide Web was created by Tim Berners-Lee, and by 1992, the number of hosts broke beyond 1,000,000. ( 1995). This is just one example of how rapid the technological advances for computers are increasing. Noticing this, more competitors have joined the pursuit of the development of computers and as a result we now have the most up-to-date equipment, commonly known as a laptop or personal computer. But is this a blessing or a curse?

When thinking about computers and the effect they have on the day to day activities, it can be suggested that computers have had a considerably positive impact on society. Computers are fast and innovative, and are a tool for freedom, commerce, connectivity, and other societal benefits, as well as being seen as an improvement in the social order (P. Brey, 2005, p.2). Without the advancements of technology, the world would not move forward and new developments would be undiscovered, leaving our society at a stand still pace. Thomas K. Landauer, author of the novel, The trouble with computers, writes, “…computers do or must contribute substantially to productivity, or at least to net well-being.”(1995, p.83) Additionally, Enoch Lau suggests that “Computers are certainly not detrimental to our lives today. They help spread information like never before, and therefore allow people to communicate to someone halfway across the world.” (, 2007). With the advancement of computers have come programs such as email, Word processor, Google, and MSN. Even data copying or memory disk such as the floppy disk which was created as early as 1971. ( 2007). All ground-breaking and modern devices that have helped society advance to what it is today. However, it has also been thought that not only have computers advanced civilization, but have caused many problems for the present and future.

Whilst technology has been credited for the progress and development of our culture, it has also been recommended that with this success computers have brought many negative effects. Jared Stevens proposes that the reliance on computers is just one example of this (, 2007). Timothy N. Trainor and Diane Krasnewich (1987) state that “It probably is safe to say that everyone in today’s society is dependant upon computers. That is, the average person depends on, is served by, or actually operates some type of computer several times each day.” (p.7). People are becoming increasingly dependent on computers, creating more than this primary dilemma. Computers have also created a lack of interpersonal relationships such as face to face discussion or even mailing letters. To compensate for these acts we now have choices such as email, an electronic program that creates the ability to send a letter to anyone connected to a computer, and msn, the capacity to have a one-on-one direct conversation with any one in the world through the internet. More problems associated with the computer include the prospect that people are too uneducated to learn how to use this new technology. Sadly, not only does this category include the aged, but individuals who do not have the educational background to know how to use a piece of equipment such as the computer. A lack of funds also creates difficulties for people as not all may be able to afford appliances such as a PC, or home computer and as a result they are ultimately distancing themselves from society without choosing to. Ultimately, these complications cause threat to existing social structures and establishment, to culture, and human relations (P. Brey, 2005).

In conclusion, there are many opinions and reasons for and against the invention and continuous use of computers. There are those who identify both the benefits and harms of the computer as it currently exists, and who are familiar with its convenience and worth while worrying about the its active negative impacts. However, through various research methods and explorations, it can be suggested that the pessimistic attributes of a computer outweigh the optimistic traits, and these need to be carefully considered when discussing the good and bad of today’s technologies and the developments they have made on the present society. Whilst this equipment has given our culture significant progress, the severe effects that have come with this evolution need to be seriously assessed.


Bellis, M (2007) “The history of computers” About: Inventors. (accessed 08/05/07)

Brey, P (2005) “Computers and society”, ACM SIGCAS, 35: 3

Capron, H.L, Perron., J.D (1993) “Tools for an information system”, Computers and information systems, 3:1

Cringely, R (1995) “A history of the computer” Triumph of the nerds. (accessed 02/05/07)

Hirst, M., Harrison, J (2007) Communication and new media: From broadcast to narrowcast. UK, Oxford University Press.

HREF2 “History of Computers” (accessed 03/05/07)

Kopplin, J (2002) “An illustrated history of computers Part 1” Computer science lab. (accessed 08/05/07)

Landauer, T. K (1995) The Trouble with Computers. Massachusetts, England. A Bradford Book.

Lau, E (2007) “For 'n' Against” YOUR SAY ON THE SCIENCE ISSUES OF TODAY! (accessed 08/05/07)

Sharples, M (1989) Computers and thought: A practical introduction to artificial intelligence. Cambridge, USA: MIT Press.

Stevens, J (2007) “For 'n' Against” YOUR SAY ON THE SCIENCE ISSUES OF TODAY! (accessed 08/05/07)

Stockwell, S (2007) New Communication Technologies Lecture, 16/03/2007, Griffith University, Australia.

Trainor, T. N., Krasnewich, D (1987) Computers!. New York, USA. Mitchell Publishing, Inc.

Whitty, H., Sumption, K (1998) Computers. Sydney, AUS: Scholastic.

Williams, B (2001) Computers. Oxford: Heinemann Library.

Wilson, A (1999) How the future began. New York, USA: Kingfisher.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

week 8

This weeks tutorial task started off with myself having absolutley no idea what the task was actually asking me to do. When first opeing up the attachment to "week 8" i recognised the few letters msn scrawled across the page, and this is where it stopped. As i continued to read down the page i became more and more confused and apprehensive about what i was indeed supposed to be accomplishing this week. As well as this i realised that i was the only student asking questions so that obviously meant that everyone else was on track and i am the only one who seemed to be perplexed by the idea of 3d chatroom environments such as IMVU and Second Life. After i had finished reading the page, it became apparent that these websites and downloads may not be that hard to understand after all but because of my computer illiteracy (as mentioned in previous blogs) this task would be a little harder than most. I decided to visit the first link; When the first page opened, there were links left right and centre and i was lost already but determied to continue this unknown adventure of achieving what the task had set out for me to do. I soon discovered that it is actually the users that create this '3d website' and build the world and communities and so on. Posted on the side of this blog, is a group of pictures that i have pasted there to show just how large the counterfeit world that the users of this website have built in. I hope that in the near fututre when i have become more acustomed to this "world" of websites, i to will be able to involve myself in this new technology that is creating a buzz within the classrooms and homes of the real world.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

week five - photo shop... and happy easter!

This week we had a moderately difficult task as we were told we would be entering into the world of photo shop. Something i was, and still are, extremely unfamiliar with, although my knowledge about the program is growing increasingly the more i use it. To begin with i found a few interesting pictures on the wonderful and ever so useful sight of Google, copy and pasted them on to the photo shop page and began what i thought was an easy tute. However this is where i discovered, to my admiration, that there were not merely a few simple buttons used to create and edit these photo's but more like tens of buttons that i would be using in the future, hopefully to their best ability. after playing around with these buttons i created what i thought was a good but somewhat amusing photoshoped picture of an old Indian man with a green and blue feathered hat and lipstick. I now class myself as the new Picasso. obviously i am joking, as you can see ( by the picture on the left) i still have a significant way to go!

The rest of my week and new communication technology study time was mainly spent on two main goals. Firstly trying to figure out what exactly is going on in the lectures as sometimes i get a little disorientated and perplexed and really do not understand a single thing Steven is talking about until he mentions anything that may be possibly familiar, until i pay attention a little further, only to find out that he was not in fact talking about what i thought he was and is instead going of on some tangent about 1900’s with a man named Ferdinand De Saussure who studied semiotics. a complete different subject to what i thought was a familiar topic. the second goal is further research on my assessment which i have chosen the enigma machine and its relevance to the German war. this is coming along quiet well although i am having a little difficulties with a few items which I'm sure i will figure out soon! so not to worry!

Have a great Easter and see u in a week or two!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

week four - taks.

This week we had many tasks to complete, with a few that were to be posted on to our blogs..... below are the summaries an answers to these questions.

TASK ONE - LIBRARY CATALOGUEi have chosen to do my assignment on the enigma machine, and its functions. the first of my articles is a video recording titled "Enigma [videorecording] / BBC ; Opus Arte. " this is a "A hidden portrait" and performance of the complete work by the BBC Symphony Orchestra given in the Cathedral in Elgar's home town of Worcester with Sir Andrew Davis. the second article i have chosen is titled "Intercept : the Enigma war / Jozef Garlinski. " this article states and dicsusses the functions within the machine and the relativity toward the german war.

1.What is the weight of the world's biggest pumpkin?

606.7kg (1,337 lb 9 oz) on October 5, 2002

2. What is the best way (quickest, most reliable) to contact Grant Hackett?
By going to the Grant Hackett website and contributing to the grant Hackett online yahoo club. This is sent automatically to Grant Hackett.

3. What is the length of a giraffe's tongue?

The length of a giraffe’s tongue is approximately over 18inches (46cm)

Animal Facts *Giraffe

4. How would you define "ontology"? What does it really mean?

Definition = a) study of existence: philosophy the most general branch of metaphysics, concerned with the nature of being.
b) Theory of existence: a particular theory of being
Microsoft word – definitions.

5. What was David Cronenberg's first film?

His first feature film was “shivers” in 1975

6. When was the "Hacker's Manifesto" written?

“Hacker's Manifesto” was written on the 8th of January in 1986

7. Why do all phone numbers in Hollywood films start with "555"?

The prefix was reserved for TV and movies use so the viewing public wouldn't harass real phone customers when they were looking to speak with their favourite stars." title="" target="_blank"

8. What is the cheapest form of travel from Crete to Rhodes?
The cheapest form of travel for Crete to Rhodes would be by plane, with the flight costing $229.14

9. What song was top of the Australian Pop Charts this week in 1965?

10. What band was Stephen Stockwell in?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

week 3 - la jatee

Thoughts about lecture three - the screening of "La Jatee".
the week two lecture was interesting however a little hard to follow so today i will be blogging about the screening of the movie "La Jatee". this movie was interesting to say the least. there were three main things that caught my attention when the lights dimmed and the movie began. first and foremost, the fact that it was in french and had subtitles through-out the whole picture. secondly the fact that it was in black and white, and thirdly, that the people / characters did not move, they were merely images flashing through to make a scene. all three of these made the movie more interesting to watch. also these factors made the movie intriguing to watch, as i now had to concentrate fully to understand what was going on throughout the film. "La Jatee" was about a man who participated in these experiments in which he endured great anxiety and pain, to achieve one main goal. time travel. first he travelled through time to go to the future, to visit a lady of particular meaning to him and once this task was completed he then attempted to travel backward through time, to the past. this mission to, was successful. how ever it was the ending that caught my main attention as when he finally did succeed to travel to his past, the child version of himself witnessed something horrific, his own death. it is a little hard to understand through the mere readings of my writing, it is definitely one of those movies you have to see. so that's my take on the screening of "La Jatee" and i hope you now go and watch it and find it as interesting as i did.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

week two blog for new com tech.

My names Simone, first year student doing a bachelor of journalism and finding it great to begin with although I'm not to brilliant with computers so hopefully this will help me out a little. I deferred for a year so its great to be studying again because i actually enjoy it which may sounds weird to most, although probably not because i am at uni now not school! First lecture was great, well not great but as good as a first lecture could go. It's very exiting to meet new people and even more exiting to be studying something i am actually interested in. I'm really glad that in the lectures they use visual effects, i think it is much better if i can see what is going on instead of just listening to someone who knows exactly what they are doing, because sometimes that can get a little confusing. For me anyway. As for tutorials, I'm in my first one now so cant say to much about it, although it seems as though we have many interesting people in our class, from many different cultures. Which is always a good thing so we can get different perspectives of what is going on. I'm looking forward to being able to become more computer literate, like this right now is new for me as i completely do not get any of that my space stuff, i just don't really get why it's so popular and what its all about, although i do admit to having one but only because my best mate set it up for me like 3 years ago in school. As well as this subject i am studying Effective Writing because i do enjoy writing...allot, and also Cultural Perspectives, which has turned out to be a great class so far.... very interesting. Oh and Management Concepts...interesting but pretty much we have just started on the basic stuff. So generally enjoying uni so far, although i do have one problem, i haven't quiet acquired all of the text books yet so that is kind of a huge problem but I'm getting there! thanks and see you next week. Simone. p.s name is not Simone its pronounced Sim-on. as in Sim card and on off :)