Wednesday, March 7, 2007

week two blog for new com tech.

My names Simone, first year student doing a bachelor of journalism and finding it great to begin with although I'm not to brilliant with computers so hopefully this will help me out a little. I deferred for a year so its great to be studying again because i actually enjoy it which may sounds weird to most, although probably not because i am at uni now not school! First lecture was great, well not great but as good as a first lecture could go. It's very exiting to meet new people and even more exiting to be studying something i am actually interested in. I'm really glad that in the lectures they use visual effects, i think it is much better if i can see what is going on instead of just listening to someone who knows exactly what they are doing, because sometimes that can get a little confusing. For me anyway. As for tutorials, I'm in my first one now so cant say to much about it, although it seems as though we have many interesting people in our class, from many different cultures. Which is always a good thing so we can get different perspectives of what is going on. I'm looking forward to being able to become more computer literate, like this right now is new for me as i completely do not get any of that my space stuff, i just don't really get why it's so popular and what its all about, although i do admit to having one but only because my best mate set it up for me like 3 years ago in school. As well as this subject i am studying Effective Writing because i do enjoy writing...allot, and also Cultural Perspectives, which has turned out to be a great class so far.... very interesting. Oh and Management Concepts...interesting but pretty much we have just started on the basic stuff. So generally enjoying uni so far, although i do have one problem, i haven't quiet acquired all of the text books yet so that is kind of a huge problem but I'm getting there! thanks and see you next week. Simone. p.s name is not Simone its pronounced Sim-on. as in Sim card and on off :)

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