Wednesday, May 30, 2007

new comm tech - constructive critisism! WEEK 13

End of Semester!

so! the end of semester has come and i do admit that i have a few words to say on the lectures, tutes, films and tute tasks. firstly, the over all course was not what i suspected it to be. it was a compulsary subject for my degree so i didnt choose new com tech because i was interested in the actual subject although by the description of the subject in the course outline, i was under the impression that this course would be of great help for my future studies. i thought it would be more about how to use computers in my career, as opposed to the background of the computer and what virtual reality was all about, nevertheless i have learnt some usefull fatcs throughout the duration of the course, just how much i have learnt will be determined in the result of the final exam, and my future. onto the lectures. im just not the sort of person that can sit in a theatre and listen non-stop for two hours about something i have no particular interest in. whilst the content may have been helpful and knowledgable, i myself did not find it that useful as it just went in one ear and out the other. however this is not to say that the course was or is comppletely useless. the movies were...interesting and different to say the least. between la jetee, alphaville, exitenz and primer, i would have to say that i most enjoyed, or rather understod, primer, even though i can not truly say i grasped the full concept of the movie. by the end of it i lost count of the amount of people who had been copied and just how many duplicates of the brown haired guy there was compared to that of the blonde haired guy. the tute task were probably the most informative, as well as the actual tutes themselves especially the revision we did as a class toward the end of the semester. all in all if i were to complete this subjest again, i would, however i would approach it in a completely different way. im sure new comm thech will be of great assistance to my future but for now i am uncertain to how that will be? thanks for a great semester though!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.