Wednesday, May 30, 2007

virtual reality (VR) - NOT A FAN - WEEK 5

just writting a little short post about my opinions on virtual reality. i dislike it...alot. :) no really though it frustrates me to no end as i dont understand how poeple can get soooo wrapped up in something as silly as this. again this is just my opinion so dont be offended but it really gets to me that people are actuaslly spending real money on a fake world. they get their credit cards out and they type in their little number inot their virtual reality account and tada! spenid real money in a fake world. buying fake coffee and fake houses and talking to other fake poeple that are doing the exact same thing. unbelievable. however something good has come out of this lecture as i now realise the importance of real life. also i now know that new comm tech has taught me something as i had NO idea about VR before this course. thanks new comm tech!

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