Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Microsoft Word!

When opening this weeks tute task i was pleased to see that the first few words were of some meaning to me. Microsoft Word. im pretty sure that anyone who owns a computer has had some experience woth this software and for me it has been both positive and negative. with the help of microsoft word, i have successfully completed many assignments and essays, however, this is not to say there were many many many frustrating moments as i have accidently deleted whole entire paragraphs or tried to put words inot columns and moved everything to the far side of the page without knowing how to get it back again. but the most aggravating thing about this program is when u are trying to type some added words into your sentence and it types over the words that are already there and then u have to retype those words which also types over more words that are already there and i end up having to type whole paragraphs again as i cant get my new words to stop eating my old words. not sure if anyone knows what i am talking about but if u do u will understand my annoyance with microsoft word. i have just been informed that this infuriating device is called 'overwrite' and anyone with any hints on how to fix it, feel free to send me a comment. :)

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