Wednesday, April 25, 2007

week 8

This weeks tutorial task started off with myself having absolutley no idea what the task was actually asking me to do. When first opeing up the attachment to "week 8" i recognised the few letters msn scrawled across the page, and this is where it stopped. As i continued to read down the page i became more and more confused and apprehensive about what i was indeed supposed to be accomplishing this week. As well as this i realised that i was the only student asking questions so that obviously meant that everyone else was on track and i am the only one who seemed to be perplexed by the idea of 3d chatroom environments such as IMVU and Second Life. After i had finished reading the page, it became apparent that these websites and downloads may not be that hard to understand after all but because of my computer illiteracy (as mentioned in previous blogs) this task would be a little harder than most. I decided to visit the first link; When the first page opened, there were links left right and centre and i was lost already but determied to continue this unknown adventure of achieving what the task had set out for me to do. I soon discovered that it is actually the users that create this '3d website' and build the world and communities and so on. Posted on the side of this blog, is a group of pictures that i have pasted there to show just how large the counterfeit world that the users of this website have built in. I hope that in the near fututre when i have become more acustomed to this "world" of websites, i to will be able to involve myself in this new technology that is creating a buzz within the classrooms and homes of the real world.

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