Monday, June 11, 2007

final thoughts

well i realise i have one last blog to make up my compulsary twelve so here it is! i have finished all of my exams and final essays and a word that comes to mind is releived! i am relieved for it to be all over! i did enjoy this semester alot and will look back with many fond memories however come exam period and all i know was that stress was a main factor for this two week period. staying up until the early hours of the morning to finish final academic essays for what i thought was the due date which actually turned out to be a day later, and stressing over questions that i may or may not know the answer to for the exam the following day or do know the answer but is a matter of whether i actually remeber it when the time comes. through all of this there were still the task and duties of the everyday life such as work and family commitments which did not help the stress facto but in the end what i am really concerned about are my results and whether it was all worth it. i hope it was and also hope i shall see you all next semester! thanks for a great course and semester! have a great break!


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