Wednesday, March 14, 2007

week 3 - la jatee

Thoughts about lecture three - the screening of "La Jatee".
the week two lecture was interesting however a little hard to follow so today i will be blogging about the screening of the movie "La Jatee". this movie was interesting to say the least. there were three main things that caught my attention when the lights dimmed and the movie began. first and foremost, the fact that it was in french and had subtitles through-out the whole picture. secondly the fact that it was in black and white, and thirdly, that the people / characters did not move, they were merely images flashing through to make a scene. all three of these made the movie more interesting to watch. also these factors made the movie intriguing to watch, as i now had to concentrate fully to understand what was going on throughout the film. "La Jatee" was about a man who participated in these experiments in which he endured great anxiety and pain, to achieve one main goal. time travel. first he travelled through time to go to the future, to visit a lady of particular meaning to him and once this task was completed he then attempted to travel backward through time, to the past. this mission to, was successful. how ever it was the ending that caught my main attention as when he finally did succeed to travel to his past, the child version of himself witnessed something horrific, his own death. it is a little hard to understand through the mere readings of my writing, it is definitely one of those movies you have to see. so that's my take on the screening of "La Jatee" and i hope you now go and watch it and find it as interesting as i did.


Tom said...

That was great. i especially loved the purple writing. funky

Tom said...

lol nah dude i posted that comment at like 10 30 thurs nite its just always showing the wrong time for some reason :)

Tom said...

i saw mrs grandma today and she had a limp . . . u bastards!! hehe jk u missed stuff all this morning cya 2moro simo!! :)